Embarking on the journey of parenthood is a maze of uncertainties, and it turns out that many parents find solace in the virtual arms of Google. According to a recent survey conducted by OnePoll, the average American parent seeks answers to baby-related questions on Google six times a day, accumulating to over 2,000 queries annually.
The survey, which targeted parents with children aged 0 to 2 years old, shed light on some of the prevalent topics that keep parents turning to the search engine:
- Queries revolving around expert-recommended baby products and brands (43 percent).
- Concerns related to feeding and latching (40 percent).
- Puzzlement over why their baby is crying (38 percent).
- Worries about their baby's sleep patterns (37 percent).
The study reflected a universal sentiment of uncertainty, with one in three parents expressing a fear of making mistakes in their first year of parenting. A substantial 71 percent acknowledged the pivotal role of experts in helping them navigate the challenges of their child's initial year.
Interestingly, the term "expert" took different forms for different parents. While some sought guidance from their own parents, others turned to trusted sources such as pediatricians or reliable news outlets. Over the first year, parents averaged 56 phone calls to their parents and 67 calls to medical experts, underscoring the importance of seeking guidance from various sources.
Despite the trials and tribulations that accompany parenthood, a resounding two-thirds of parents described becoming a parent as their greatest life achievement. Additionally, 46 percent admitted that they wished they had been gentler on themselves during those initial months, realizing that they were not alone in grappling with the learning curve of caring for a newborn.
For additional parenting resources and support, consider exploring The Bump’s Parenting Hub, covering topics ranging from postpartum depression to work-life balance, relationships, and fitness. Because, after all, in the world of parenting, you're never alone.